

Environmental Preservation


Response to Climate Change


The Yasuda Logistics Group’s Targets for Reducing CO₂ Emissions

  • Scope1+2: Achieve a 30% reduction compared to FY2022 levels by FY2030
  • Scope3: Implement efforts to reduce emissions throughout the supply chain
  • Target Companies: Yasuda Logistics Corporation’s domestic branches and 14 domestic group companies(Note)

Note: Yasuda Logistics Corporation (domestic branches), Yasuda Works Co., Ltd., The Hokkai Yasuda Warehouse Co., Ltd., Yasuda Transportation Co. Ltd., Fuyo Air Cargo Co., Ltd., Japan Business Logistics Co., Ltd., Yasuda Medical Logistics Co., Ltd., Y’s Plus One Co., Ltd, Onishi Logistics Co., Ltd., Onishi Crane and Transport Co., Ltd., Nanshinkamotsu Transport Co., Ltd., Powered L Com Co., Ltd., Jonan Transport Co., Ltd., Lupina Car Service Co., Ltd., and Yasuda Estate Service Co., Ltd.

*The Company expressed its support for the TCFD recommendations in June 2022 and discloses information on the impact of climate change on the Yasuda Logistics Group’s business activities based on the recommendations. Please click below for more information.

Disclosure of the Yasuda Logistics Group’s Climate Change Information (Japanese version only)


(1) Introduction of renewable energy

We are working to reduce CO₂ emissions by promoting the introduction of renewable energy, such as the installation of solar power generation systems on warehouse roofs.

Solar power generation system:
Ibaraki Logistics Center

Solar power generation system:
Shinonome Logistics Center
(Tokyo Medical Logistics Center)

(2) Introduction of energy-saving systems

We are working to reduce global warming and save energy in our buildings by switching to LED lighting in our storage facilities and offices.

Kazo Logistics Center
(Saitama Prefecture)

(3) Greening promotion

As part of our effort to combat global warming, we are promoting the greening of our premises, rooftops and walls, etc., which is an effective way of mitigating the urban heat island effect.

Rooftop greening: Shinonome Logistics Center
(Tokyo Medical Logistics Center)

(4) Introduction of eco-friendly vehicles

We are working to reduce CO₂ emissions by promoting the introduction of eco-friendly vehicles such as hybrid vehicles, electric commercial wagon vehicles, and clean diesel vehicles.

Yasuda Logistics Corporation
Clean diesel vehicles equipped with urea-SCR systems

Nanshinkamotsu Transport Co., Ltd.
1-ton class electric commercial wagon vehicles

(5) Reduction of exhaust gas emissions

We are working to reduce exhaust emissions by promoting joint delivery services and eco-driving.

Y’s LINER, a Yasuda Logistics joint delivery service (Japanese page only)

(6) Promotion of modal shift

We are working to reduce CO₂ emissions by promoting a modal shift to railway and maritime transportation, which have a low environmental impact.

(7) Green purchasing

We are promoting green purchasing, which involves selecting and purchasing office supplies that have minimal environmental impact.

You can view the results of our initiatives on our ESG Data page.

Reducing Waste Generation


The Yasuda Logistics Group will contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society by implementing the following initiatives to effectively utilize limited resources and reduce environmental impact.

(1) Reduction of paper consumption (promotion of paperless operations)

  • By introducing a workflow-based electronic application system, we have created a paperless approval process for circulating and storing various internal applications and notifications, including requests for approval.
    (Note: Departments in charge are working hard to implement a workflow for other operations requiring internal approval.)
  • Some sales offices have introduced Internet faxes for receiving PDF files to avoid automatic printing from multifunction devices.
  • We are testing the use of paperless instructions, such as providing picking instructions by voice guidance, for a range of tasks involving both office and frontline personnel.

(2) Promotion of waste reduction and recycling activities (3R)

  • Reduce: Promote beautification and waste reduction by implementing the 5S (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, shitsuke)
  • Reuse: Reuse packaging materials such as stretch film
  • Recycle: Thoroughly separate waste paper, such as cardboard, as well as other recyclable waste

You can view the results of our initiatives on our ESG Data page.