YASDA Value, which only we can offer
All individuals working in of the Yasuda Logistics Group will contribute to the ongoing growth of the company and realization of a sustainable society by continuing to offer the YASDA Value of sincerely listening and responding to customer requests as a reflection of Yasuda Logistics’ identity.

Corporate Philosophy
Trust, Creation, Challenge
Management Philosophy
Realize prosperity and its aspirations through sound corporate activities in response to the expectations of customers, shareholders, employees, and their communities.
Listen and respond sincerely to customer requests
The Yasuda Logistics Group has established its corporate philosophy of Trust, Creation and Challenge as the basic policy for growth and development.

Management Philosophy
To make our corporate philosophy tangible, we have established our management philosophy as follows.
Realize prosperity and its aspirations through sound corporate activities in response to the expectations of customers, shareholders, employees, and their communities.
Corporate Logo
The corporate image that expresses our management philosophy uses the letters of our corporate logo.

Charter of Corporate Behavior
- We will develop and provide high quality, safe services to gain the trust of our customers.
- We will abide by relevant laws/corporate regulations to carry out fair, transparent, and free competition.
In addition, we will maintain a sound, healthy relationship with government and administration.
- As a corporation trusted by society, will actively engage in communication, starting with our shareholders and extending to society at large, and disclose information on all corporate management in a fair, timely, and suitable manner.
- We are conscious of the fact that initiatives targeting environmental issues are indispensable to our corporation’s existence and activities, and will voluntarily and actively take actions to achieve a recycling-oriented society.
- We will actively carry out social action programs as a good corporate citizen.
- As a corporation that values people, we will achieve comfort and enrichment for our employees and ensure a safe, work-friendly environment. We are also committed to fair treatment and respect for individual character/ personality.
- We will resolutely take a stand against antisocial forces and organizations that threaten the safety and order of society.
- Overseas, we will respect the cultures and customs of other countries and contribute to local development through cooperation and mutual trust.
- Our managers will establish a corporate structure and thoroughly disseminate this charter to concretely implement it in business activities.
Should circumstances arise contradicting this charter, our managers will take responsibility for resolving the issue and strive to determine the cause and prevent reoccurrence, as well as accurately disclose information and take stringent actions that include themselves.
Corporate Slogan
It expresses YASDA Group’s determination to advance logistics by working as one in continuing to grow and to develop without being bound by conventional business in order to grow into a global logistics company with our customers.