Yasuda Logistics Corporation aims at contributing to realization of a prosperous society by providing our customers with high-quality services that meet their needs and expectations. This is why we have acquired ISO9001 certification, the international quality management standard. Our company, as a whole group, will continue to make tireless efforts to improve the quality of our services and customer satisfaction.
ISO9001 Certified Branches: Yasuda Logistics Corporation, Japan Business Logistics Co., Ltd.(Logistics Solution, Packaging Solution)
Medical Logistics Service is a business field in which Yasuda Logistics Group is expecting large growth. Acquisition of ISO13485 certification, which is the medical equipment quality control system standard, is part of our efforts in this regard. ISO13485 is an international standard for medical equipment that is globally adopted as a requirement in the regulations in effect in many countries. In Japan, too, under the revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, QMS Ordinance (Ordinance on Standards for Manufacturing Control and Quality Control of Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Reagents), compliance with ISO13485 is now required by law. We are offering our customers quality services to meet their needs and expectations.
ISO13485 Certified Branches: Yasuda Logistics Corporation Head Office (Medical Logistics Sales and Marketing Department, Quality Management Department), Oi Logistics Center, Heiwajima Logistics Center, Oi Futo Logistics Center, Oi Futo Logistics Center Heiwajima CenterⅡ, Tokyo Medical Logistics Center, Tokyo Medical Logistics Center Ⅱ, Kashiwa Logistics Center, Moriyacho Logistics Center, Moriyacho Logistics Center Daikokucho Center, Kazo Logistics Center, Ibaraki Logistics Center, Kyushu Logistics Center
We have acquired License of Medical Device Manufacturer in order to improve our quality control system in the medical business. Our company will continue to work on new projects to offer higher quality services to our customers.
Certified Branches: Yasuda Logistics Corporation, Heiwajima Logistics Center, Oi Logistics Center, Moriyacho Logistics Center, Tokyo Medical Logistics Center, Tokyo Medical Logistics Center Ⅱ, Ibaraki Logistics Center
We have acquired Retail /Rental License of Specially Controlled Medical Devices in order to improve our quality control system in the medical business. Our company will continue to work on new projects to offer higher quality services to our customers.
Certified Branches: Yasuda Logistics Corporation, Oi Logistics Center, Heiwajima Logistics Center, Moriyacho Logistics Center, Tokyo Medical Logistics Center, Tokyo Medical Logistics Center Ⅱ, Kashiwa Logistics Center, Ibaraki Logistics Center, Oi Futo Logistics Center
Yasuda Logistics Group considers the company’s compliance with information security as one of the most important corporate responsibilities in the highly developed “information society” of today. As we handle a great amount of customer information, we have acquired ISO27001 certification, the international information security management standard, in order to enhance the management system which ensures the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets. Our group will work hard together to promote information security.
ISO27001 Certified Branches: Yasuda Logistics Corporation, Shibaura Logistics Center, Hachioji Logistics Center, Metropolitan Archives Center, Moriyacho Logistics Center, Higashi-Ogishima Logistics Center, Ibaraki Logistics Center, Information Systems Department, IT Kitting Unit, Japan Business Logistics Co., Ltd. (IT Kitting, Packaging Solution, Logistics Solution)
Yasuda Logistics Corporation has acquired AEO customs broker (Authorized Economic Operator) certification. The AEO program is the system developed to ensure security while facilitating international trade: Japan Customs approves operators in the field of international trade such as importers/exporters/ customs brokers complying with the supply chain security standard and regulations so that they have the benefit of simplified and speedy customs procedure.