

Value Creation Process


Management Philosophy

Realize prosperity and its aspirations through sound corporate activities in response to the expectations of customers, shareholders, employees, and their communities.

Corporate Slogan

This slogan expresses the Yasuda Logistics Group’s determination to develop logistics by working, as one, in continuing to grow and improve without being bound by conventional business ideas in order to become, with our customers, shareholders, employees, and their communities, a global logistics company.

Value Creation Process

Human capital

Employees in the Group: 2,546
Companies included in the group: 26

Financial capital

Total assets: 211.6 billion yen
Cash flows from operations: 5.8 billion yen

Natural resources

Annual energy consumption
Electricity : 31,604MWh
Diesel oil : 9,227kl
Gasoline : 150kl

Social capital

  • Trusting relationships with stakeholders built up for over the century since our founding

Intellectual capital

  • Many years of expertise handling logistics for pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and IT equipment
  • Authorized to provide services beyond the scope of logistics, including pharmaceutical production and medical device manufacturing and maintenance
  • Warehouse management system (Next YOURS) developed as a platform for the digital transformation that integrates the latest technologies with our expertise

Manufactured capital

  • Total floor space of logistics facilities: approx. 650,000㎡
  • Commercial warehouses concentrated in greater Tokyo and the Kansai region developed into a delivery network covering all of Japan
  • International logistics in China, India, Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam
  • A large number of real estate properties for leasing owned in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Hakodate

Note: These figures are for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024

Challenges facing the Group’s customers

  • Customers must continually raise the value of services to flexibly respond to changing consumer needs, which reflect diversifying lifestyles and working conditions
  • Labor shortages are prompting customers to use AI and robotics

Sources of the
Yasuda Logistics Group’s
value creation

Logistics Group when listening and responding to customer requests.

Material issues
(ESG issues)

  • Creating an optimal social environment by providing high-quality, safe services
  • Contributing to a low-carbon, recycling-oriented society
  • Building a workplace where diverse human resources can embody comfort and affluence
  • Practicing management with a deep awareness of corporate social responsibility

Material Issues

Medium-term management plan
(covering fiscal 2022 to fiscal 2024)

変わらず、変える。YASDA Next Challenge 2024

We meet the diverse needs of society and our customer by improving YASDA Value through a fusion of cutting-edge technology and the expertise of our staff.

Medium-Term Management Plan

Economic value

  • Logistics business segment
    Segment revenue and profit
    Operating revenue: 61.6 billion yen
    Operating profit: 3.3 billion yen
  • Real Estate business segment
    Segment revenue and profit
    Operating revenue: 6.2 billion yen
    Operating profit: 2.0 billion yen

Societal and environmental value

  • Annual rate of CO₂ emission reductions
    12.0% reduction, compared with FY2022
  • Percentage of women in management positions
    (As of March 31, 2024)
  • Percentage of annual paid holidays taken by employees
  • Percentage of eligible male employees taking childcare leave
  • Number of initiatives taken to improve operations
  • Percentage of outside (external) directors to total directors
    (As of July 1, 2024)

Yasuda Logistics Group Long-Term Vision for 2030
Through a fusion of the world-renowned YASDA brand and innovative technology, our goal is to become a group that surpasses the expectations of all our stakeholders