Medical Logistics Services
Medical Logistics ServicesOur facilities for exclusive medical logistics use, certification/authorization, as well as special delivery networks for medical products enable us to offer you quality, professional services.
Drugs and quasi-drugs logistics services
We have deployed the best storage environment and delivery systems for pharmaceutical goods.
Medical equipment / reagents / diagnostic drugs
Backed by our long experience in handling medical equipment, we assure quality medical logistics services.
Yasuda Logistics Corporation offers expert logistics services to medical and pharmaceutical companies (drugs / medical equipment / quasi drugs / reagent products / diagnostic drugs / cosmetics, etc.).
IT Equipment Logistics Services
Archiving / Relocation
Document Storage/RelocationWe work carefully to meet your requirements around issues such as safe archiving / retrieval / control / relocation of documents in the office.
We promise you strong, confidential protection and security of your documents.
One-Stop Service for Office Relocation
Our one-stop service platform can fulfill all of your relocation needs.
Yasuda Logistics Corporation offers services to meet your needs regarding the office such as archiving and relocation with our one-stop service platform. Our great range of options will make your working space more comfortable.
International Transport Services