



Denial of Investment Solicitation

The information posted on this website is intended to provide the Company’s corporate information and is not intended to solicit investment. Investors should make investment decisions based on their own judgment.

Forward-looking Statements

Of the forward-looking statements, strategies, and business policies, etc. contained on this website and in published materials, those that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and do not constitute a commitment or guarantee regarding their content. Please note that actual business performance may differ significantly from these business performance forecasts due to various factors, including future economic and social conditions.

Information on This Website

The data provided on this website is intended for use on a computer. Please note that the representation may differ from the original document due to data conversion. Although the Company takes great care with the content of this website and the published materials, the Company assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any errors in the published information, or problems arising from data downloads or tampering by third parties. The content of this website may be changed or removed without prior notice. The Company makes no guarantees regarding the information on other websites linked from this website.